How Long Do You Have to Wait After Fillers And Botox to Get Dermaplane Hair Removal?

Botox and dermal fillers are popular anti-aging cosmetic treatments that can address a number of skin issues such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. However, it’s common to still want another procedure to treat other problems that can’t be solved by these injectables and one such treatment is dermaplaning. This skin rejuvenation treatment is the latest trend for restoring skin’s youthful glow and removing unwanted facial hair. 

So exactly how long do you have to wait after filler and Botox to get a dermaplane to remove hair? Most cosmetic surgeons and aesthetic doctors recommend waiting at least seven days to two weeks before getting a dermaplane facial or any other facial treatment. Dermaplaning treatment is done with a surgical blade dragging over the skin and this may put pressure on the treated areas and cause the filler material or Botox injection to migrate and affect its results. 

Read More: How Do You Inject Small-Particle Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers?

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When Should Dermaplaning Be Done After Botox and Dermal Filler Treatment?

Although Botox and dermal filler injections are minimally invasive and require zero downtime, there are still some aftercare reminders that you need to follow and one of them is avoiding getting a facial exfoliation or hair removal after the procedure. There should be an interval of at least two weeks in between fillers or Botox treatment and dermaplaning. 

  • Dermaplaning after Botox: It should be ideally done after seven days from the injections 
  • Dermaplaning after dermal fillers: It’s recommended to receive dermaplaning after two weeks from the procedure 

For Botox, the ideal waiting time is seven days before getting any other cosmetic procedure like microdermabrasion, chemical peel, or dermaplaning. As an anti-wrinkle injection, Botox works by relaxing the facial muscles and stopping muscle contraction for a period of time. It’s crucial to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the injected areas so that the Botox will not spread to other areas. 

If you received dermal fillers, it’s best to schedule your dermaplaning treatment two weeks after the procedure. After the filler injection, your skin will most likely be still sensitive and you may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and tenderness. You have to wait for your face to heal and allow the filler material to completely set in before getting any other type of skin treatment. The procedure for dermaplaning may displace the filler and compromise its desired effects.

Learn More: Autologous Wrinkle Fillers: How Much Do They Cost and How Long Do They Last?

What You Should Know About Dermaplaning For Hair Removal 

Dermaplaning, or microplaning or blading, is a cosmetic treatment that involves the exfoliation of the dead skin cells and removes the top layer of the skin cells. During the procedure, the cosmetician will use a medical-grade surgical blade to scrape over the patient's skin’s surface to remove dull and damaged skin cells, allowing softer and radiant skin to resurface. This treatment is safe for any skin type and skin tone, and can be used to address facial concerns like: 

  • Acne scars 
  • Sun damage 
  • Dry skin 
  • Wrinkles and fine lines 
  • Clogged pores, blackheads, and whiteheads 
  • Peach fuzz or fine facial hair 

Dermaplaning hair removal is usually done for the shorter and finer hairs visible on the face and body. It’s done with a sterile razor-like blade that is dragged at a 45-degree angle to remove vellus hair that holds oil, dirt, and dead skin cells that contribute to rough-looking and uneven skin texture. The procedure is safe, painless, and convenient that it can be finished within 30 to 45 minutes. 

There’s no need for any downtime after a dermaplaning procedure. However, you may need to use a gentle cleanser or tone it down on applying any skin care product to avoid irritating the treated facial area. You may also need to wear sunscreen to protect your new skin cells and avoid pigmentation. 

How Dermaplaning Is Different From Shaving 

Dermaplaning essentially uses the same concept as shaving where it removes unwanted hair on the skin surface. Shaving is a convenient at-home method to manage excess hair since you only need razors to cut or reduce the visible hair. However, it does leave your skin feeling coarse and you may notice rough stubbles after shaving. 

With dermaplaning, the procedure doesn’t only eliminate excess unwanted facial and body hair but can also deeply exfoliate your skin to remove oil and dirt trapped in the skin cells. This helps improve skin texture and complexion for an overall hairless and smoother skin appearance. 

Dermaplaning vs Laser Hair Removal Treatment: Which Is Better?

Laser treatment is another popular method for skin resurfacing and hair removal. It involves using a device that will send laser energy to directly heat the hair follicle. This treatment effectively reduces the number of visible unwanted hair while delaying hair regrowth. 

Laser hair removal provides longer-lasting results since it targets the roots and can remove ingrown hair whereas dermaplaning only removes hair at the skin surface and may not be as effective for thicker terminal hair such as beard hair. 

The results for dermaplaning can last for several weeks to a month and some individuals can already see regrowth of soft peach fuzz around 3 to 4 weeks. On the other hand, laser hair removal results can last for up to two years and can be maintained with subsequent sessions to keep hair from growing. 

It’s best to consult with a dermatologist or cosmetic doctor to know which hair removal option is right for you. Here’s how you can know whether you need dermaplaning or laser hair removal: 

  • Laser treatments for hair removal: This procedure is best for any patient who wants to get rid of thicker hair in multiple areas of the body such as the legs, underarms, chest, and bikini line. It’s also more permanent and eliminates the need for shaving or waxing.
  • Dermaplaning: This is more suited for a patient with softer, smaller hairs on the facial skin and it may be the treatment you need if you’re looking to exfoliate damaged skin. 

Say Goodbye to Your Unwanted Hair Problems with Quality Hair Removal Treatments at Aesthetica 

woman receiving an injection of dermal fillers in her cheek

Safe hair removal can be done weeks after receiving your Botox and dermal filler injections. Here at Aesthetica, our experienced doctors and specialists can help plan and schedule your cosmetic injectables and hair removal treatments to ensure you get great results. 

Aesthetica is a premier medical spa offering state-of-the-art treatments that are customized to  your beauty needs. Our wide range of cosmetic services includes dermal filler injections, Botox, microneedling, chemical peels, facials, and laser hair removal. Book a consultation with us today or call us to explore your treatment options.

Discover Your Beauty Potential with Aesthetica

Aesthetica can assist you with all your beauty needs, helping you achieve your maximum beauty and aesthetic potential. Call or contact us today to learn more about our cosmetic services.

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